The HBA Side of SST Provides a Potential of $120/Month per Referral in Passive Recurring Monthly Income

Home Business Academy is the second of 2 independent 3rd-party businesses that SST sells simultaneously on your behalf and is the passive recurring monthly income side of SST that can potentially produce many multiples of $120 per month adding up to a very substantial passive monthly income for you.

The Power of...

Passive Recurring Monthly Income

Some of the largest recurring payment monthly subscription services in the world are Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Spotify. These are all billion-dollar companies in large part because of their monthly subscription services. These companies have millions of customers paying them as little as $10 per month. Sure, $10 doesn't sound like much until you multiply it by 10s of millions.

Another, much smaller-scale, example of passive recurring monthly income would be my business colleague, Andrew, who sells a single software product for just $24.95 per month. After 9 years, he's amassed roughly 14,000 paying customers. Again, $24.95 doesn't sound like much until you multiply it by those 14,000 monthly subscribers and come up with a total passive recurring monthly income of $349,300 or $4,191,600 per year. Yes, he does quite well for himself.

This is the Exact Same Idea Behind Why We've Added Home Business Academy to the Success Story Team.

$120 per Month Doesn't Sound Like Much Until You Multiply it By All of the HBA Monthly Subscribers That Can Be Accumulated Over Time.

The fact is that you're not starting at 0 every month but rather would be adding to your total sales count month after month, building up your passive recurring income to a potentially very sizable amount.

HBA's 2 monthly recurring products pay out $120 per month per recurring customer sale.

We don't have to get 14,000, or 1,400, or even 140 paying customers to do very well with HBA.

With just 100 total recurring monthly sales you would earn $12,000 per month or $144,000 per year in passive recurring income.

Do you have to get all 100 in 1 month? No, of course not.

Some Will Get Up to 35 Sales in One Month While Others May Only Get a Handful Every Month That Can Still Potentially Add Up to a Substantial Number Over Time...

It's time to stop being average. Leverage SST and HBA to take you to the next level...

I'm regularly getting new member and monthly renewal commission email notifications like these from HBA...

If You Made Just 2 $120 Sales Per Week For 1 Year, You Would End Up With (2 sales X 52 weeks) 104 Paying Customers Making You $12,480 Per Month or $149,760 Per Year in Passive Recurring "Retirement" Income

HBA Products

The first of 3 products from HBA is a $25 monthly subscription for the "HBA All In One Digital Business Affiliate Partner Package" which pays out $20 per month per member.

The second product from HBA is a $125 per month subscription for the "HBA Premium Traffic and Conversions Vault" which pays out $100 per month per member.

The third product from HBA is the "HBA Financial Literacy Academy" which costs $500 1-time & pays out $400 on every sale.

Unlike most affiliate programs that are free to join and promote, HBA has a cost-entry affiliate program.

This means that you have to be a customer of their products to be able to earn commissions from them.

To some, this might sound like a negative, but it's a very good thing.

This means that you can potentially continue to earn commissions from your members long after the sale is made because your members would stop earning commissions themselves if they stopped their membership with HBA.

Your HBA members would be paying the $150 per month to maintain their "product or inventory supply" rather than exclusively buying it to use themselves as an end-user customer.

Paying $150 for a monthly membership to HBA is exceedingly less expensive than constantly buying new products for inventory so you have something to sell every month.

Remember, do you really want to create continuity products to generate your passive recurring monthly income?

I sure don't!

Do you have to use the HBA products?

No, you don't have to use the HBA or EE products.

It would be the same thing where you wouldn't have to use any of the products that you are buying to resell with an e-commerce store or any other retail business for that matter.

However, the HBA products are excellent and most of their members are getting great value out of them, resellers and end-users alike.

I highly recommend doing both, but I also understand the reality of many members not having enough time to go through everything in conjunction with their very busy full-time job schedules.

What these product packages include and how they work are fully explained on the HBA website linked from the button at the bottom of this page titled "HBA Site Overview".

The Following Explains the Potential Power of Passive Recurring Monthly Income with the SST Marketing System and Home Business Academy...

The following examples in these scenarios show that when adding just 1 sale per week to your recurring sales count, it can add up to a very substantial monthly recurring income.

1 Sale Per Week - Initial Sales Build Up

(averaging 4.33 weeks per month):

Month 1 = 4 total sales @ $120 each or $480

(0 previous sales plus 4 new sales)

Month 2 = 9 total sales @ $120 each or $1,080

(4 sales from month 1 plus 5 new sales)

Month 3 = 13 total sales @ $120 each or $1,560

(9 sales from months 1-2 plus 4 new sales)

Month 4 = 17 total sales @ $120 each or $2,040

(13 sales from months 1-3 plus 4 new sales)

Month 5 = 22 total sales @ $120 each or $2,640

(17 sales from months 1-4 plus 5 new sales)

Month 6 = 26 total sales @ $120 each or $3,120

(22 sales from months 1-5 plus 4 new sales)

Month 7 = 30 total sales @ $120 each or $3,600

(26 sales from months 1-6 plus 4 new sales)

Month 8 = 35 total sales @ $120 each or $4,200

(30 sales from months 1-7 plus 5 new sales)

Month 9 = 39 total sales @ $120 each or $4,680

(35 sales from months 1-8 plus 4 new sales)

Month 10 = 43 total sales @ $120 each or $5,160

(39 sales from months 1-9 plus 4 new sales)

Month 11 = 48 total sales @ $120 each or $5,760

(43 sales from months 1-10 plus 5 new sales)

Month 12 = 52 total sales @ $120 each or $6,240

(48 sales from months 1-11 plus 4 new sales)

Adding up the income from all 12 months comes to a total first-year "initial sales build-up" income of $40,560 from just 1 new additional sale per week.

With zero additional sales after your 12th month, you would be earning $6,240 per month or $74,880 per year from your 13th month on, in passive recurring income.

But of course, you wouldn't want to stop after 12 months. You would double or triple these numbers if you added 2 or 3 sales per week instead of 1.

If you are looking for even more income you would just need to increase the number of sales that you are bringing in per week.

1 to 3 HBA Sales Per Week Scenarios:

1 new customer added per week for 52 weeks would be $6,240 earned at the end of your 12th month... not including what you would also make in months 1 through 11. (as discussed above)

2 new customers added per week for 52 weeks would be $12,480 earned at the end of your 12th month... not including what you would also make in months 1 through 11. (this would double what's shown above)

3 new customers added per week for 52 weeks would be $18,720 earned at the end of your 12th month... not including what you would also make in months 1 through 11. (this would triple what's shown above)

And so on...

So, with 3 new customers added per week, and including what you would earn in months 1 through 11 as well, it would amount to a gross income of $121,680 in your first full year building up to those 156 monthly subscribers.

Once amassed (after the first year), those 156 subscribers would be worth $18,720 per month and $224,640 per year in passive recurring income.

Just 2 $120/mo recurring sales (2X $120 = $240/mo) would well more than cover your $150 per month ($90 remaining) for your own HBA membership meaning that you would no longer have any out-of-pocket costs with HBA with just 2 monthly recurring sales.

Each HBA member paying you $120/mo is worth $1,440 total per year added to your bottom line.

For instance, just 20 $120/mo members would be worth $28,800 per year to you.

Below is a very simple chart that shows the earnings potential with a given number of sales that can be accumulated over any period of time. The "Combo $120" numbers would be the $150 per month membership level, paying out $120 per month for each customer that's accumulated.

Disclaimer: The incomes shown are not a guarantee or a promise of income to be generated. These results are not typical and you could earn more or less than the amounts shown.

Make sure to watch the full HBA video shown below or watch it on the linked page from the "HBA Site Overview" button just below which also includes a lot of additional information.

* Please keep in mind as you watch this that the entire marketing side of HBA is handled by SST and not HBA. Remember, we are promoting EE and HBA simultaneously through SST using only 1 referral link.

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